Friday, December 6, 2024

FQGS #23 with AFCG theme and QKRS sponsored images plus #22 Top Shelf Picks honorees on 7 Dec 2024

 Welcome to the country store of crafting called 

FarmQuest General Store challenge blog!!!

December 7- January 5, 2025 is competition #23. 

Theme is always Anything Farm and/or Country Goes. 

Topics, activities, seasons and formats are indicated on the FQGS homepage sidebar. If questions, comment on post and/or email the owner Becca.


Scroll down towards the end of the post to see the #22 bragging rights Top Shelf Winner Picks (3), and a random-picked Winner for the November's QKRS digital images that were featured!!!


NEW in 2024 for FQGS in the FarmQuest family of challenge blogs=

A random participant winner will receive the 3 monthly featured images from QKR Stampede. 

Note: Stamp On It currently has QKR Stampede and several other stamp/digital image lines/companies for sale. Here is that company website with the announcement:

And the QKR Stampede blog site to look at the archives with last posting on June 15, 2023:

FQGS DT member Nana Connie is coordinating this and has worked with them for many years.



  QKR Stampede has allowed the DT to use 3 images per month.

December's selections featured by FQGS Design Team are: 

DT member Becca = 

using "Jogger" digital image from QKRS

[FQGS #23 AF/CG elements: bib overalls, fake road, fake trees, rabbit]


DT member Bec Ann = 

using "Important Message Chicken" digital image from QKRS

{FQGS #23 AF/CG elements: farmhouse/homespun gingham, button; chicken feed, chicken }


DT member NanaConnie  = card

using "Hear Ye! Hear Ye! town crier" digital image from QKRS

{FQGS #23 AF/CG elements: outdoors image; holly leaves; farmhouse kitchen cookies }


and more inspiration: 

DT/owner Becca 

AF/CG choice of harvest color tones, wheat, etc.


DT LeeAnn = 

(time off)


GUEST DT Invite honoree: Indy (aka Debbie)

 I am so excited to be guest designing at Farm Quest General Store!
Quick Bio:  
Hi, my name is Debbie, aka Indy.  I grew up in a farmer family in central Indiana, which is why my husband calls me Indy.  (I was the first Hoosier he had ever met!) While living in Utah with all the scrapbooking shops, I began my journey into the paper crafting world.  I started off with scrapbooks, but when I took a holiday class for making cards, I veered into the card making world and haven't turned back.  The advent of the Internet and blogging opened the world to sharing and being inspired by others.  When I discovered the FarmQuest challenges, I was super excited to participate since it reminds me of my childhood--feeding the calves, playing in the barns, bailing hay, riding the tractors, and finding the new batch of kittens! Thanks to Becca and FQGS for the opportunity to be a guest designer!

Awesome! Festive! Fun!

A great mix of nature, farm and country outdoor scenes!


NOTE = skip over the brags for the link-up section to participate


BRAGGING RIGHTS Announcement for #22 from Nov 7-Dec 5, 2024

 We're loving the variety and thrilled our 8 FQGS participants are embracing the broadness of rural topics we want to see! Thank you to all the wonderfully talented artisans who took time to create and deliver projects to the store!


Congratulations to these 3 Top Shelf Picks: Katrina, Deanne and Arlene!!!

In mixed up order of entry:

#2 by Katrina = 

#7 by Deanne  = 

#5 by Arlene  = 

These are great backyard, farm/ranch and mountain themed projects! Farm-tastic!


RANDOM-picked winner of the 3 featured QKR Stampede digital images from November 2024 competition PLUS  a Guest DT invite for January 5th/7th, 2025 ==>  Jackie C!!

from 8 submissions :

#6  was the number selected by my hubby at 9:30pm central time on December 6th! Woo-hoo! #6 entry is Jackie C!!!

Congratulations! please email DT member NanaConnie to make arrangements to receive the 3 featured QKR Stampede images!!!


then email owner/DT Becca S if you'd like to accept the Guest DT invite


Ya'll come back now ya hear! 

FarmQuest General Store Challenge Blog

FQGSCB design team members: NanaConnie, Bec Ann, LeeAnn, and Becca S (owner)


Participation for FQGS #23 for December 7- Jan 5, 2025:

*Reminder to note:  participating in #23 competition will make you eligible for the random selection for the 3 featured digital images seen in this main post for FQGS #23.  
This will be our last sponsored usage offering a random-picked participant to receive QKRS images. In 2025, the DT will be doing their own AF/CG choices of projects. 

*Now it's time for our readers/customers to turn into vendors and deliver your goods to the general store by 12:00am CST January 5, 2025!!!

*Use the Inlinkz tool address to help you make those deliveries.


 So long. Farewell. Come back soon to the country store!  



  1. Awesome creations everyone! Thanks so much for choosing my card as a TOP PICK! Greatly appreciated! I have my badge proudly displayed on my blog!

    Deanne at A Little Bit O’ Paper

    1. Congrats for being selected as a Top Shelf Pick! Woo-hoo!


FQGS #26 AFCG or anything farm and or country goes theme + #25 Top Shelf Brags

Welcome to the country store of crafting called  FarmQuest General Store challenge blog!!! March 7- April 5, 2025 is competition #26.   Them...